Monday, November 17, 2008

The Boycott

ok, so my actual real last post on lysistrata is tied in with the boycott. i just wanted to compare the two and how the boycott was supposed to be like, the modern day lysistrata, but in reality really wasn't at all except for the character's name (Lysistrata / Lyssa Stratan), the manner of achieveing the goal (sex strike) and one scene (Myrrhine & Kinesis / President & Ismenia). other than that there really was no connection between the two. 
I think that there easily could be more of a connection, the plot of lysistrata (just looking at the actions) is one that could easily be repeated, and in fact, has been many times.
- One group holds all the power (G1)
-G1 ignores Group 2 (G2)
-G2 gathers and makes a plan to solve the problem at hand
-G2 demands attention from G1 (rebellion)
-Ongoing conflict between G1 & G2 (stalemate)
-Both groups try to win over the other group
-G1 gives in

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